2002 Grasshopper 616 Zero Turn Mower For Sale
- Price
- $2,250 USD
- Description
- Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale, 16 HORSEPOWER
- Stock #
- G184DT
- Serial
- 5215310
- Store
- Bruna Implement Co.
- Address
- 1798 18th Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Clay Center, Kansas 67432
- Phone
- 785 632-5621
- Fax
- 785-632-2564
- Stock #: G184DT
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Grasshopper
- Model: 616, Gasoline
- Year: 2002
- Serial#: 5215310
- HP: 16
- Engine Cooling: Air
- Transmission: Gear
- Pto Engage: Electric
- Deck Size: 48 in.
- Lift: Electric
- Discharge: Side
- Number Of Blades: 3
- Engine Condition: Good
- Transmission Condition: Good
- PTO Condition: Good
- Body Panel Condition: Good
- Mower Deck Condition: Good
- Paint Condition: Good
- Overall Condition: Good
- 524, wide stance rear axle, turf front tires, SC 48 inch deck, briggs & stratton motor, price subject to reconditioning