2018 Case IH Farmall 75C Tractor For Sale
- Price
- $47,500 USD
- Description
- Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale, 97 HOURS, DRIVE: MFD
- Stock #
- A835DS
- Serial
- ZHAL50619
- Store
- Bruna Implement Co.
- Address
- 1798 18th Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Clay Center, Kansas 67432
- Phone
- 785 632-5621
- Fax
- 785-632-2564
- Stock #: A835DS
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Case IH
- Model: Farmall 75C,Diesel,MFD
- Year: 2018
- Serial#: ZHAL50619
- Est Hours: 97
- Compact Tractor: No
- Deluxe Cab: No
- Enclosure: None
- Seat Condition: Excellent
- PTO: 540
- Rear Remotes: 2
- Weights: Yes Rear 400 lbs.
- Front Fenders: Yes
- Hyd. Flow Control: Yes
- Transmission: Quad
- Differential Lock: Yes
- Quick Hitch: No
- 3 Point Hitch: Yes
- Front Tire/Track Size: 285/24 90%L 90%R
- Rear Tire/Track Size: 420/30 90%L 90%R
- Axle: Flange,Standard
- Front Suspension: No
- Front End Loader: Yes
- Loader Make: Case IH L620
- Loader Attachment: Bucket
- Loader Condition: Excellent
- Paint Condition: Excellent
- Overall Condition: Excellent
- 1123; canopy, fenders, 2 hydraulics, loader with bucket, price subject to reconditioning